Name, first name
of birth: 1971
Residence: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Telephone: +31-(0)20 6790638 [home]
E-mail: w e r n e r s @ m u n g o . n l [typed without the spaces]
My main research interest is adaptation to climate change in water management. Based at the Centre for Water and Climate of Wageningen University and Research Centre in the Netherlands, my research is firmly rooted in the global change community branching out into institutional as well as biophysical aspect. In my work, I seek to identify robust land and water management strategies and opportunities to implement these strategies at the regional scale. My graduate studies in the field of Environmental Sciences, Experimental Physics and Water Management and Engineering are complemented by my practical experience, working in the national government and the private sector.
Broad experience in integrated water management, adaptation to climate change & variability, and policy analysis in Europe, Asia and the Americas
Researcher in European research projects on adaptive water management (NeWater project and adaptation and mitigation to climate change (ADAM
Advises Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality on implementation national Delta Program
Convened session on adaptive water management at 4th World Water Forum, Mexico. Prepared statement on Water & Climate to Ministerial Conference at 3rd World Water Forum, Japan
Wrote position papers on fresh water issues and small island developing states (SIDs) for Mr Jan Pronk, Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General for the World Summit on Sustainable Development
Designed and coordinated the development of the first GIS based Decision Support System for operational river management of the river Rhine in the Netherlands.
Built framework for the Integrated Coastal and Marine Area Management plan (ICMAM) for Chennai, India. Analysis of water management together with economical, social, institutional & legal requirements
Simulated climate change impacts, including global feedbacks between sea level rise, water for agriculture and the IPCC Scenarios
Built Decision Support Systems for Coral Reef Management in Curaçao & Montego Bay, Jamaica
Assessed Conflict Management techniques for Coastal Zone Management in Latin America
UNEP’s contribution to the Global Programme of Action to protect the
Marine Environment from Land-based Activities (GPA)
the dialogue between policymakers towards a bilateral long-term vision for
the Dutch-Flemish Scheldt Estuary
the Dutch Ministry of Environment at WTO negotiations, European Commission and OECD. Special focus on Environment
& Trade,
Agriculture and Services
Worked for European Commission, World Bank, IDB, UNEP, National Government of India, Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works & Water Management, UNESCO-IHE
Worked with NGOs on input into national policy development on environment and trade, including Both ENDS, ANPED, Inzet, SOMO, FoE, COS, Greenpeace
2010: PhD research 'Adaptation to climate related risks in managed river basins. Diversifying land use and water management activities to adapt to climate related risks in the Netherlands and Hungary', Wageningen University and Research Centre, the Netherlands
2008: Visiting Scientist - Young Scientist Summer Program, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg Austria
Researcher Adaptive Capacity in Managed River Basins, Wageningen
University, NL
Languages: Fluent in English, German and Dutch. Basic French
Affiliations: Member of the network for Science and Technology for Sustainability, Member of the European Union for Coastal Conservation (EUCC), Greenpeace volunteer, Member of the council of the Physics Department, Amsterdam
Interests: Enjoy working in a dynamic and interdisciplinary work environment. Creative pioneering. Completed Online Program on Sustaining Human Existence in Changing Conditions, Ottawa, Canada. Mountaineering, cycling and photography. Voluntary work. Theatre and literature
Computer Proficiency: Successfully designed the interface of Decision Support Systems. Used Excel, Fuzzy Logic and cross-impact modelling to prepare analytical modules. Designed and managed internet sites & help files. Prepared extensive reports in MS Word. Moderated electronic newsgroups. Extensive knowledge of MS Word, Excel, ExpertChoice, GIS (ESRI software), Html and Macromedia.
Werners, S. E., J. Warner and D. Roth (2010) Opponents and supporters of water policy change in the Netherlands and Hungary. Water Alternatives 3 (1), 26-47.
Werners, S. E., J. D. Tàbara, H. Neufeldt, D. McEvoy, X. Dai, Z. Flachner, J. West, F. Cots, G. Trombi, N. Lugeri, P. Matczak and G.-J. Nabuurs (2010) Mainstreaming Adaptation in Regional Land Use and Water Management. In Making climate change work for us: European perspectives on adaptation and mitigation strategies (eds Hulme, M. and H. Neufeldt), pp. 230-260. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Werners, S. E., J. D. Tàbara, X. Dai, Z. Flachner, H. Neufeldt, D. McEvoy, J. West, F. Cots, G. Trombi and R. Leemans (2010) Constraints and opportunities for climate adaptation in regional water and land use planning. In The Economic, Social and Political Elements of Climate Change (ed Leal Filho, W.), in press. Springer Verlag, Berlin.
Werners, S. E., P. Matczak and Z. Flachner (2010) Individuals matter: exploring strategies of individuals to change the water policy for the Tisza River in Hungary. Ecology and Society Special Feature: Realizing water transitions. The role of policy entrepreneurs in water policy change (forthcoming).
Werners, S. E., É. Erdélyi and I. Supit (2010) Use of Modern Portfolio Theory to evaluate diversification of agricultural land use as an adaptation to climate risks in the Tisza River Basin. In Climate change adaptation in developed nations (eds Ford, J. D. and L. B. Ford). Springer, Netherlands (forthcoming).
Werners, S. E., P. Matczak and Z. Flachner (2009) The introduction of floodplain rehabilitation and rural development into the water policy for the Tisza River in Hungary. In Water policy entrepreneurs: A research companion to water transitions around the globe (eds Huitema, D. and S. Meijerink), pp. 250-271. Edward Elgar Publishing, Camberley, UK - Northampton, USA.
Veraart, J., E. v. Ierland, S. E. Werners, J. Verhagen, D. d. Groot, P. Kuikman and P. Kabat (2010) Climate change impacts on water management and adaptation strategies in the Netherlands: stakeholder and scientific expert judgments. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning (forthcoming).
Tàbara, J. D., X. Dai, G. Jia, D. McEvoy, H. Neufeldt, A. Serra, S. Werners and J. J. West (2010) The climate learning ladder. A pragmatic procedure to support climate adaptation. Environmental Policy and Governance 20 (1), 1-11.
Werners, S. E., Z. Flachner, P. Matczak, M. Falaleeva and R. Leemans (2009) Exploring earth system governance: a case study of floodplain management along the Tisza River in Hungary. Global Environmental Change 19 (4), 503-511.
Tàbara, J. D., F. Cots, X. Dai, M. Falaleeva, Z. Flachner, D. McEvoy and S. Werners (2009) Social Learning on Climate Change among regional agent - insights from China, Eastern Europe and Iberia. In Interdisciplinary Aspects of Climate Change (eds Leal Filho, W. and F. Mannke), pp. 121-150. Peter Lang Scientific Publishers, Frankfurt, DE.
Moors, E., R. Harding, H. Biemans, D. Collins, J. Froebrich, A. Gosain, A. Groot, J. Haerter, P. Kumar, M. L. Shrestha, F. Ludwig, A. Mishra, P. P. Sarthi, G. Rees, C. Terwisscha van Scheltinga, S. Tomar, C. Siderius, M. Stoffel and S. Werners (2009) Water Resources of the Ganga under a Changing Climate: interaction between Glaciers and Monsoon in the Himalaya. In Proceedings of the 8th Scientific IAHS Assembly and 37th IAH Congress Hyderabad, India.
Cots, F., J. D. Tàbara, D. McEvoy, S. E. Werners and E. Roca (2009) Cross-border organisations as an adaptive water management response to climate change: the case of the Guadiana river basin. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 27 (5), 876-893.
Minca, E. L., K. Petz and S. E. Werners (2008) An ecosystem services approach in the Tisza River Basin. Tiscia 36, 35-40.
McEvoy, D., F. Cots, K. Lonsdale, J. D. Tàbara and S. E. Werners (2008) The Role of Institutional Capacity in Enabling Climate Change Adaptation: The Case of the Guadiana River Basin. In Transborder Environmental and Natural Resource Management (ed Jong, W. d.), CIAS Discussion Series No.4, pp. 49-59. CIAS, Centre for Integrated Area Studies Kyoto, Japan.
Matczak, P., Z. Flachner and S. E. Werners (2008) Institutions for adapting to climate change in the Tisza river basin. "Klimá - 21" Füzetek 55 (English Special Edition), 87-100.
Aerts, J., W. Botzen, A. v. Veen, J. Krykrow and S. Werners (2008) Dealing with uncertainty in flood management through diversification. Ecology and Society 13 (1), 41.
Werners S. and M. Donaldson (2006) Diversifying to cope with Environmental Change, Paper Series Complex Systems Summer School 2006, Sante Fe Institute, New Mexico, US
Werners, S.E. and R. Boumans (2005) Simulating global feedbacks between Sea Level Rise, Water for Agriculture and the complex Socio-economic Development of the IPCC Scenarios, Proceedings Environmental Modelling and Software Society Conference: Complexity and Integrated Resources Management (IEMSS2004), Osnabrück, June 2004
J., S. Werners and P. Droogers (2003) Adaptation to climate change: a research
agenda for the future, Chapter 13 in Aerts, J.C.J.H. and P. Droogers (eds),
Climate Change in Contrasting River Basins. Cabi Publishers
Werners, S.E. (2001) Climate Change: a driving force behind policy reform in the Netherlands, Poster Session, Challenges of a Changing Earth, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, July 2001
Koudstaal, R.,
S.E. Werners, S. Huq and A. Ahmed (2000) Bangladesh;
Climate Change and Sustainable Development, World Bank Publication,
Report No. 21104-BD, Rural Development Unit, South Asia Region
S.E, M. Taal and H. de Ridder (2000) Sustainable development of the Scheldt
Estuary: Building an integral vision on navigation, environment & safety,
Proceedings PDCE'2000, Varna
de H., S. Werners, M. Taal (2000) Scheldt Estuary - Involving all stakeholders
to improve navigation and safety whilst protecting the environment, CoastNET,
Volume 5 Issue 2: Ports, Shipping and the Environment, Autumn 2000
F., S.E. Werners and D. Hirsch (1999) Conflict
Management & Consensus Building for Integrated Coastal Zone Management in
Latin America and the Caribbean, Inter-American Development Bank,
Sustainable Development Department, Technical Papers Series No. ENV-132,
Washington D.C.
P., W. Ubachs and S.E. Werners (1995) XUV-laser spectroscopy of HD 92-98 nm,
Phys.Rev A. 52. 4425