written proof:
Werners, S. E., J. Warner and D. Roth (2010) Opponents and supporters of water policy change in the Netherlands and Hungary. Water Alternatives 3 (1), 26-47.
Werners, S. E. (2010) Adaptation to climate related risks in managed river basins. Diversifying land use and water management activities to adapt to climate related risks in the Netherlands and Hungary. PhD Thesis. Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen, NL.
development of the Scheldt Estuary: Building an integral vision on
navigation, environment & safety, Proceedings PDCE'2000, Varna
Summary of the report: Considering Adaptation to Climate Change; Towards a Sustainable Development of Bangladesh
Conflict Management & Consensus Building for Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Latin America and the Caribbean, Inter-American Development Bank, Sustainable Development Department, Technical Papers Series No. ENV-132, Washington D.C. This publication is written by Frank Rijsberman, Danielle Hirsch and me in consultation with a large group of researchers and practitioners in both coastal management and conflict resolution (1999) [background on website IADB]